Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweethearts Sugar Rush

I'm going to be a bit predictable and write about LOVE  in honor of Valentines Day. You have been forewarned, it may get mushy and sentimental, but hey, I am a girl in love. 
Little thing #4: Love
As we stand amidst the sea of red clothing, and the passing of heart themed candies and chocolates, we look at today as a day to show the world how “in love” we are.  The gifts that cause butterflies in our stomachs also bring a smile to our face as we show the world, look, somebody loves me.  

I look at today as a reminder of the love that I have around me 365 (sometimes 366) days a year. My parents, my relatives, my friends, and even my significant other. And I tend to take it for granted. Sure we have Mothers’ day and Fathers’ day and whats-it day and whose-its day...but with such a big thing like love, I don’t think a post-it note saying “buy gift” stuck next to the circled calendar date is enough. 

I am surrounded by love everyday, even if it isn't verbally expressed through a grown man in a diaper with a singing telegram. Like when my dad is frantically yelling at me to get the car serviced, it’s not because he’s angry (okay, he is pretty angry, it’s been a week since he told me...oops!), but it’s because he wants to make sure I'm in the safest conditions while driving, and that's his love for me. Or when my mom comes home late and still helps me when I’m stuck on a craft project when she has tons to do (and because I can’t sew in a straight line for anything),  that’s love. Even when my brother tries to attack me with his armpit hair, it’s gross, but I guess it counts as love? And sitting at a table with friends, laughing up a storm, with the most pointless stories, that is love. 

Even with the love of my life, our random adventures into science exhibits, parks, shows, games and just pigging out at the local diner, is what makes my life complete. 

Google did a pretty good job of explaining how I feel with their Google doodle of the day. For the past 5 years, having a love with whom I can enjoy the simple things with has been one of the best gifts I could ask for.

Enjoy the natural high of hallmark cards and sugar rushes today, but don’t forget that even when the prefix menus are put away, and the bouquets become potpourri, love actually, is all around us.