Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Old Siblings and New Beginnings

June has been a hectic month, full of changes and progress and things just falling into the right place. it's been the end of an era for some, the beginning of a new life for others. So I dedicate this post to a few people that I love: 

Little thing #6: 

my brother!

In the middle of a New York heatwave, I put on a dress and high heels to watch my brother walk across his high school stadium for one last time. My not-so-little brother was all grown up and survived the tumultuous high school era. It was time for him to become an adult, hopefully with a little more knowledge than I had a few years ago. Wait, scratch that..I was running in my heels, to return a calculator that he forgot to return to the math department. As he was walking down the long path to the ceremony, I was running in the opposite direction to find his teacher, because otherwise, he wouldn't have been allowed to graduate. Sigh. 

After I saved his butt, I found my parents so we could sweat together as we listened to the long stretched out ceremony that becomes a drag right after the last note of the "Pomp and Circumstance", until it's time to take the family pictures and celebrate. I don't know if it was the lack of hydration combined with the sun beating down against my back, but I soon felt a bit of worry. My baby brother isn't ready for the real world! He can't won't even make a meal for himself! How could he be allowed to grow up so quickly. I flashback-ed to the times when he would be running around in his diaper and stealing my colored pencils and erasers, while I whined to my mom that this toddler, 6 years younger than me, was bullying me. I flashback-ed to holiday mornings when we'd wake up and watch cartoons together, or play Power Rangers--he was green, and I was pink. Or how we were so adamant on completing the entire Crash Bandicoot on PlayStation, and didn't have one of those memory savers, so we had a notebook to jot down all of our passwords. 

Basically I wanted my baby brother back. 

But then I snapped myself out of it and realized, he is all grown up. Just like I am. But that doesn't mean he isn't my baby brother. 6 years will always be 6 years, and we'll grow older, and I have to let him make the mistakes I've made, because I'm not always gonna be there to throw a meal together for him or to run after his teachers to hand in his late things. 
he made it! now let's see if I can get him to do his own laundry. =]

as broski starts the next chapter of his life, a girl I can call my sister is also starting a new chapter. 

Little thing # 7, bestie is engaged!

As I secretly celebrated her upcoming engagement, she asked me if I thought he'd propose soon, and told me all about how he had dropped hints. I kept a straight face and nodded along to her assumptions, anxiously holding on to the secret that in just two days, she'd be calling him her fiance. And when the day came, the look of happiness on her face-and the look of relief on his--was enough to see the true love. And as we celebrated with friends and family, the most touching moment was right after she walked in--shocked at the sight of all of us, and saw her brother. their twin connection seemed to open up an emotional floodgate. Amidst the celebrating, both of them knew inside that things were going to change. Of course, they'll be siblings forever, but within the next year, he'd be giving her away to a man who he knew would keep her happy. I'm sure he was also thinking, who'd be around to make him food. (oh brothers.)

Congratulations to the newly engaged couple!

as far as new chapters go, this is the part of the book where it's important to the plot, but I really don't want to read about it...

little thing #8 watching your friends move forward in life

although I hate this more than love it, two of my closest friends are moving on out and shipping themselves away to Boston. these two have been there through thick and thin for me and in a short span of time, I've come to love them like the older brother and sister i never had. we've had our silly moments, our serious moments, and many in-between moments and all I can say is that I'm going to miss them not being a ten minute drive away from me. But I'm truly excited for their new adventure out of New York (as long as they don't replace me!) and I wish them both the best of luck with everything there, and now, I think it's time for them to take a trip to NY,yep.

Especially with this little guy ;)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sweet Escapes

I have felt so guilty about abandoning ship on this blog, but i'm back! and of course, I come bearing posts! 

This April I took a trip to Cancun with two chicks who make me laugh and snort like a cow even in the most blah of situations. A week full of lazy crazy beachy days, we’d get back to the hotel room every night, covered in grainy wet sand. It was a perfect getaway! 

a little thing I truly, truly loved(and will never forget) #5:

vacationing with friends (or Cancun!!!)

We snorkeled, or at least the others did. I, on the other hand, was like a fish out of water--pun intended.  I splished and splashed around, and I probably had enough salt in my belly to season my next five meals. All I have to say is, after snorkeling for about an hour and a half, I was in awe of everyone else who had managed to have an amazing experience. And when I finally did get the hang of it, it was time to go! Maybe next time..and that's a big maybe!

we went to see if the world was really going to end at Chichen Itza, and met a little girl named Maria who decided she wanted to be a part of our touristy shots. 

  we danced the night away surrounded by confetti and acrobats!  

but my favorite parts of the trip were the talks. We shared our stories, our worries, and of course the gossip-- and we shared the fact that we all wanted to get away from something, and this trip was our getaway. Surrounded by the bright cerulean blue ocean, and the perfect sand, we enjoyed our sweet escape.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweethearts Sugar Rush

I'm going to be a bit predictable and write about LOVE  in honor of Valentines Day. You have been forewarned, it may get mushy and sentimental, but hey, I am a girl in love. 
Little thing #4: Love
As we stand amidst the sea of red clothing, and the passing of heart themed candies and chocolates, we look at today as a day to show the world how “in love” we are.  The gifts that cause butterflies in our stomachs also bring a smile to our face as we show the world, look, somebody loves me.  

I look at today as a reminder of the love that I have around me 365 (sometimes 366) days a year. My parents, my relatives, my friends, and even my significant other. And I tend to take it for granted. Sure we have Mothers’ day and Fathers’ day and whats-it day and whose-its day...but with such a big thing like love, I don’t think a post-it note saying “buy gift” stuck next to the circled calendar date is enough. 

I am surrounded by love everyday, even if it isn't verbally expressed through a grown man in a diaper with a singing telegram. Like when my dad is frantically yelling at me to get the car serviced, it’s not because he’s angry (okay, he is pretty angry, it’s been a week since he told me...oops!), but it’s because he wants to make sure I'm in the safest conditions while driving, and that's his love for me. Or when my mom comes home late and still helps me when I’m stuck on a craft project when she has tons to do (and because I can’t sew in a straight line for anything),  that’s love. Even when my brother tries to attack me with his armpit hair, it’s gross, but I guess it counts as love? And sitting at a table with friends, laughing up a storm, with the most pointless stories, that is love. 

Even with the love of my life, our random adventures into science exhibits, parks, shows, games and just pigging out at the local diner, is what makes my life complete. 

Google did a pretty good job of explaining how I feel with their Google doodle of the day. For the past 5 years, having a love with whom I can enjoy the simple things with has been one of the best gifts I could ask for.

Enjoy the natural high of hallmark cards and sugar rushes today, but don’t forget that even when the prefix menus are put away, and the bouquets become potpourri, love actually, is all around us.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pocketful of sunshine

Today I woke up thinking, oh no, its Monday again..back to my desk, clicking and clacking at the keyboard. And the dreary winter air doesn't help the Monday blues either.

But I get dressed and schlep to work.

 As I drive towards that desk in the corner of the office, the sun comes out shining as bright as ever, and my grumpy don't-talk-to-me-till-I've-had-my-coffee self turns into Natasha Bedingfield. "the sun is on my side, takes me for a ride, I smile up to the sky, and know I'll be alright."  

So there we have it, Little Thing # 3: 


The bright sun can change a mood so drastically. What I thought would be a boring sleepy Monday at work turned out to be a day full of energy and accomplishments. With the sun shining through the window, I got through the workday with a smile on my face. I was even humming! On a Monday morning!

As I drove home, even the rush hour traffic didn't get to me, I just blasted the music and broke out my Adele-esque talents combined with Britney's famous pop moves, and yep, got a few stares, (jealous!)but I didn't care. All I thought about was how much longer it would be until spring has sprung.

The bright sunny day also inspired today's DIY project:

 Sunshine & Stripes Zipper Canvas Pouch!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Polka-dot dot dot

Hope you had a happy Sunday!

Little things #2: polka-dots!

Polka dots seem to bring a smile on my face all the time. It's like a moth to a flame when I find anything polka-dot related!

Because they make me happy, I try to surround myself with them as much as possible: my favorite little pouch (added bonus: glitter), my favorite pjs make bedtime cozier, my bathrobe-perfect for gloomy mornings, and my favorite blanket!

So since I've been feeling a bit down, I decided to kick the Monday blues with some polka dot nails! Now, I have a bit of happiness at my fingertips while I'm trudging through the workday!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 and a little more.

Hey there!

Here's my new blog for a new year. We won't call it a resolution, because well, how often do we stick to those. Instead, I'll call it a routine exercise in life change. With a love for all things creative, this blog will be a little dose of happiness for me, as well as for you guys.

Look out for crafty experiments, photography, book/film reviews, and more.

Hope to brighten your day through the love of little things!

Little Things #1:

The two books that inspired me to start this blog: "14,000 things to be Happy About" and "Dance First, Think Later"  are my favorite pick-me-ups when I'm in a dull mood. Flip through the pages of these, and you will always find something you can relate to--something you may have not taken a minute to think about before, but now you're thinking, oh yea!

Today I flipped through the pages of "14,000 things to be happy about." and I see THE NFL. I thought this was fitting, since the most crucial games of the NFL season are being played this month. More than the winning and losing though, its the friends getting together with the tiny little rituals that make me happiest. The lucky shirts, the sitting in a specific position throughout each quarter, and knocking on wood everytime somebody says something that may jinx it. Through the silly superstitions, the laughter that ensues with friends, along with the yelling at the players who obviously can't hear us, are what make my Sundays amazing.